Far be it from us here at KeepRightOnline to scrutinize the government's plans to have us all exist primarily on one massive MS Excel sheet [/endsarcasm] (because let's face it; no one in the public sector knows any better)- but this is truly shocking and diabolically dangerous to say the least.


The new ContactPoint database was launched today, after many delays due to security concerns and the realisation that it may not do anything at all with regard to it's primary purpose of, "enabling the delivery of coordinated support for children and young people"

So when the pioneer of the system reneges on his original reccommendation for the scheme; what justification does it have left? It was created following a recommendation from Lord Laming who led the inquiry into the death of Victoria ClimbiƩ in Haringey, North London, in 2000 who has now admitted the system would not stop children being abused.

At a cost of £224m, and following several disatrous government data losses, which experts at Deloitte say, can 'never be totally secure'- why do we continue to label, log and list the details of individuals, to no apparent gain- and every apparent risk?

[caption id="attachment_286" align="aligncenter" width="229" caption="What they will know..."]What they will know...[/caption]

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