A little perspective, people...

While not attempting to deflect attention away from the under-fire Tories today, it has coming to our attention at KeepRightOnline that perhaps the whole expenses situation needs to be brought into perspective.

taxbro- Our government paid £57million in benefits to dead people in 2006.

- More than £4bn is lost to bureaucracy every year.

- £4bn net contribution to the European Common Agricultural Policy.

- £12bn on a yet-to-emerge NHS Connecting for Health IT system.

The list goes on. So why are we so enamoured with the stories of Members of Parliament claiming £2000 on their gardening, or £6000 on cleaning costs? Is it the accrued cost? Surely not. Even after 1000 years of Gordon Brown's cleaning bills the NHS would have poured more money into the NPfIT scheme.

Is it then perhaps, the cheek of it all? How dare these civilians charge the taxpayer for their luxuries and silver spoons? Well, possibly the same way they dare to be so liberal with your money in any situation.

I'm not saying the Conservatives are faultless here; we've seen that proved wrong today. But special emphasis must be placed on the facts;

1) The Tory claims leaked this morning were no where near as scandalous as the Labour minister's claims of last week (Updated 27th May 2009 - All parties were equally guilty)

2) A Conservative government would most definitely be more financially astute than the current.

Whatever you do think Mr and Mrs Taxpayer, make sure you get out on June 4th and make your voice heard.

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