Come on, own up- who lost the calculator?

In yet another not so shocking twist- it seems New Labour/Old Labour/Brown Labour have dealt a smashing blow rather than planting the seeds to give way to the green shoots of recovery to the British economy once more.

Did they never think we'd find out?

In short;

- Public sector net borrowing rose to £8.46bn this April compared to £1.84bn in the same month last year
- Standard and Poors have said Government debt could reach 100% of GDP by 2013
- Triple-A rated Government bonds at risk

The Budget Deficit- Tamed under the Tories, Nuts under New Labour...
[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="466" caption="Oh Darling, Oh Darling, Oh Darling..."]Oh Darling, Oh Darling, Oh Darling...[/caption]


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