The future of the blogosphere

Dear Reader,

Recently, you may recall a guest post on Tory Bear by us here at KeepRightOnline. The piece, entitled 'Blogs are the new black', set out to compliment the centre-right bloggers out there, for their determined and almost 24/7 representation of our shared values.

What crosses my mind as I peruse the pages of the papers and browse the best of the blogs this morning is, where is it all going for us?

We've utilised this amazing new PR tool, accessing a whole new plethora of potential electorate, and have surely (as polls would suggest) helped to turn the tide of public opinion to the right. Brilliant. But what to do when a Conservative government sits in Whitehall?

Will the centre-right blogosphere descend into a party-line defence system, as the left rise up through nought but desperation? Will we serve to justify, legitimise and vindicate those who we currently propose as leadership, regardless of our personal views? Or will we be as critical in our daily rants as we are with the current government, should we feel the situation requires it?

It's a tricky situation we may find ourselves in and my contention is that come Cameron's government, the blogosphere may not only be the brilliant means to communicate that it is currently, but also the first line of defence against the left-leaning media who will be determined to make our boys into scapegoats for public expenditure cuts and social elitism.

If you are educated in this field you know we need to reduce spending and to encourage private investment - let's make sure our newly accessible public readership understand the same.

Let's Keep Right.

What next?

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