Guest post: D'you wanna be in my gang, my gang, my gang?

With the latest brouhaha regarding second coming of Charles Clarke on the horizon, KeepRightOnline welcomes a guest piece from the blogger only to be known as Dean Swift of Hammersmith, who sets us right on what to expect from the Labour Party over the coming months. Over to you, Dean Swift.

Political consultations in Ancient Rome could involve official forecasters known as ‘haruspex’ whose task was to make predictions on the future of the state from the steaming livers of freshly sacrificed chickens and sheep.
[caption id="" align="alignleft" width="184" caption="Is this Labour's new messiah?"]Is this Labours new messiah?[/caption]A cruel form of divination for sure. But assuredly as accurate a means of predicting the future as examining the torn and scattered innards of mobile phones and laser printers in the Downing Street bunker.

So what then are we unseasoned observers into the arcane rites of the Labour party’s leadership to make of the machinations of former Home Secretary Charles ‘Two Pizzas’ Clarke?

With electoral disaster in the June elections, publication of MPs expenses and some decision on the future of the Royal Mail slated, is it possible that the Parliamentary Labour Party could possibly make things any worse?

I think at this stage you don’t have to be Mystic Meg to predict that the usual combustible mix of greed to retain power and authority, inwardly directed savage anger and incomparable stupidity will answer that.

Matthew D’Ancona’s lead article in the Spectator sets out the latest scenario in which the ravenous supporter of relegated Norwich City, fresh from laying down a marker in the Mail on Sunday against Ed Balls (who ironically also follows Norwich) will put himself forward as a leadership candidate like an, er... canary down a coalmine.

And what are the likely outcomes from all this plotting? It will generate more heat, further rancour and greater disunity at Westminster and travel the airwaves and YouTube. But it will only succeed in making an already dire situation far, far worse.

For when it comes to taking decisive and ruthless action to cut the bully down to size, you can bet on the Labour PLP displaying another distinguishing characteristic of the canary. Yep. Yellow through and through as it flaps hopelessly against the wind into electoral oblivion.

Thanks, Dean Swift. Someone put this man on a tenner.

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