Liberty + Danger > Peace + Slavery

You may have noticed we tend to bandy the words, "keep right," and "something ain't right," around quite a bit, as a kind of catchphrase here at KeepRightOnline. But today, never more have the words been truer that something is most definitely not right.

Today the United Kingdom takes another step towards the shackles of slavery under the watchful eye of Big Bro', with Manchester set to trial the government's wasteful, freedom-eroding ID card scheme by autumn this year. But we are not powerless.

A little rebellion every now and then is a good thing.

We need a lot of rebellion right now.

The scheme, which is being sneaked through with little justification besides the questionable references to the war on terror, is set to cost the taxpayer nigh on £6billion (and rising) and will leave you and I susceptible to the failures of this government and it's cronies to securely store and use the data they so illegitimately store on our personal and private lives.

Jacqui Smith is expected to tell the British public today that, "ID cards will deliver real benefits to everyone, including increased protection against criminals, illegal immigrants and terrorists." The editors at KeepRightOnline are certainly keen to wave their ID cards in the face of this lot in an attempt to thwart their maniacal plans.

So ladies and gents, let's open this one up to a vote... and in a shameless plug, send this link to friends and family to vote too. The more people we hear from, the more reliable the results, of course!

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