A touch of Sass...

Sahar represents local interestsOn Monday the 4th May, Birmingham University Conservative Future will vote on a new President. Today, KeepRightOnline got the exclusive opportunity to interview Presidential candidate Sahar Rezazadeh, better known to the blogosphere as Sassy Conservative. We ask the big questions, but does she give the right answers? The members of BUCF will decide on Monday, but what do you think of this passionate young lady?

Thanks for the exclusive Sahar, or should I say, Sassy? Tell us about the name. Why 'Sassy Conservative'?
Haha, either is fine! When I was deciding on a blog name, I was looking for two words that are truly reflective of my character- it wasn't an independent decision, with friends and relatives helping out in the process! The most interesting and frequent word that came up in describing me was 'sassy', you know... bubbly, lively and trendy. I think the Conservative part is self explanatory- I'm a conservative not just politically and economically but also socially.

Those who read your blog will know you're well involved in the political scene in Birmingham already- tell us about your work with CF, the transport project and the focus of your blog?
Well, I'm currently serving as BUCF's Social Action Officer- my heart is in grass roots politics. Supporting those who are better off supported by the community rather than big government. This represents the political conservative in me. It's like late last year, when I first heard about the nationwide Christmas Hamper Project. We raised funds by caroling & kind donations, then made hampers for St. Basil's who support homeless young people. I visited various hostels to deliver the hampers and those working there said how even St. Basil's was sometimes constrained by the bureaucracy in it's centralisation, so some people still don't get the help they need- they were really grateful.

My first engagement with the community was through the Youth Parliament- I've long championed youth issues, locally, regionally, nationally and even internationally! The transport project created a dialogue between transport decision makers and young people. One of my colleagues who was chairing the project initiated it- mainly as result of anger of rise in costs. Our recent conference was about transport in Birmingham in general, I love this city and I genuinely feel that we need to improve the transport infrastructure in order to compete on an international scale. Birmingham needs to stay world-class.

Sassy gets stuck in...Pretty sound, Sassy, but what sets you apart as a Presidential candidate? Aren't you too busy?
Actually the demand on me from the projects I've been working on is easing now. I wouldn't run for President if I couldn't commit fully to a whole term. I think I'm best placed for the position not just because of the skills I've developed through actively engaging with community, but also because I take initiative. I don't let go of projects half way through. I really want to empower BUCF members to be more active and involved. Too many people are fair-weather Conservatives, it's about time we separated the men from the boys and the ladies from the girls!

KeepRightOnline agrees with you on that last point especially, Sahar. Tell us, if you could change one thing about Conservative Future, what would it be?
Well it's been addressed before but I think there's a lot of work left to do in making CF more localised and less London-centric. There are potentially thousands of new CF members waiting out there, but we have a history of being so London focused that we're missing out on these young Conservatives. Young people should be able to find a CF branch easily- and feel empowered by it!

So what are your politics? Sum it up for our readers in... oh I don't know... five words?
Hmmm... these types of questions can be tricky.

That's more than five words.
Haha, hey! Ok... well... compassionate, neo-conservative, libertarian, capitalist... Sassy!

And your politician of choice would be?
Well right now no one can touch Daniel Hannan... I can't get enough of his European Parliament speeches! Great remix, by the way! I'm actually flattered by often being compared to Lady Thatcher. Iain Dale once remarked upon that! She's such an inspiration to me. Despite all the obstacles her achievements incredible... and I like to think we have a similar taste in handbags! Ron Paul also (not so much with the handbags). I like his ideas about government. Good things come in small packages.

And you're proof of that, Sassy! Thanks once again for taking the time to describe yourself to our readers. If I could ask you one last thing... What would you say is your favourite right of centre blog?
Haha, there are many which have contributed so much, but I'm particularly excited about KeepRightOnline!

We're excited about you too!
A much better party logo?

Sahar Rezazadeh is standing for the position of BUCF President on Monday, 4th May. KeepRightOnline will bring you the results as they happen!

BoJo: the world-shaping mayor

In spite of - or maybe because of - his "ursine physique, mop of tousled blond hair and complicated private life", Boris has made it into the Time 100 list of the most influential people on Earth!
At KeepRightOnline, we don't know how seriously we can take a list of the world's twenty-most influential 'leaders and revolutionaries' that includes Gordon Brown, but not David Cameron; Ted Kennedy, but not Ron Paul; and Chicago's police chief, but not a single member of Chicago's hometown heroes Fall Out Boy.

Nonetheless, Boris being the only mayor in the list does raise a smile. Sounds about right.


You've got mail!

The Young Conservative is reporting a new campaign by Conservative Future today, urging members to print and post letters to the Prime Minister regarding the upcoming long awaited general election.
[caption id="" align="alignleft" width="477" caption="Whatcha readin' Gordon?"]Whatcha readin Gordon?[/caption]
"CF is starting this campaign as it is their generation that is going to be saddled with the debt of this Government. The Government got us into this debt and no one believes it will be able to get us out of it."

While we here at Keep Right Online aren't quite sure of how much of an impact posting letters to Downing Street will have (especially coming from Tories), it's certainly a good thing to see CF leading on this.

Right you are CF... right you are!

UKIP Lost at Home

UKIP 'activists' have launched IndependenceHome: supposedly their answer to ConservativeHome, hence the absurdly unoriginal name.  What's more, their website address, IndHome.com, is one that their editors will probably forget themselves from time to time.  UKIPHome?  Eee-aww.

And whilst their Twitter - "IndHome is definetly [sic.] here to stay and pass candid comment on #UKIP" - is an encouragement to all those that think that Independence Home might be the home of... independent discussion, I can't believe that for a second.  Their top story is, and has been for the past two days, an endorsement from Nigel FarageScathing commentary and some biting home truths, there!


Away from that love-in, the site looks alright: very professional looking, albeit without a quality remix of a real Eurosceptic hero, but I digress.  Conservative Home was founded after an election with the explicit aim of criticising the party leadership (what leadership?), whilst this looks to be the opposite; on a day when LabourHome demanded that Brown resign, IndHome looks set to be more LabourList.

Pretty widgets will only go so far if you're not willing to criticise or confront the people that might be interested in reading it!  Dare you to criticise Farage tomorrow.

Something ain't right!

Cock-up. (Too obvious?)

After reading via Tory Bear and The Young Conservative of Jarvis Cocker's 'endorsement' of the Conservative party- we at Keep Right Online sensed that something was certainly not right!

In fact, it appears everyone's favourite Pulp frontman, one indeed who wants to sleep with common people, like you... was misquoted.

The Guardian (sigh!) leads on the correction of this story, with Cocker himself stating, "In no way am I supporting or suggesting that a Conservative government is a good thing, far from it... Rather, what I intended to get across was that, in the absence of any real alternative, a Conservative government at this point unfortunately seems inevitable."

So let's not all dash down to Woolies uh... WHSmith (that's still around, right?) to preorder the forthcoming "Further Compilations" album. Instead, let's take a moment to reflect upon why he's so wrong...


He's just not right, is he!

Make Labour's next U-turn an EU-turn

It seems that every day, in every way this government is failing at one thing or another. The successes it acheived are long forgotten, as the British electorate have, to bastardize a phrase, "Woken up from a 12 year Labour binge with one heck of a hangover." But is the worst yet to come? Hair of the dog won't work here buddy Brown.

The Conservatives, have today launched a renewed attack on Brown's broken promise over an EU referendum, with the Facebook page and corresponding widget (How very Web 2.0, of you, David!)

Keep Right's opinion?

Whether you are pro or anti-Europe, any referendum is a good referendum!

[clearspring_widget title="Make Labour's next U-turn an EU-turn" wid="49f56ef09886feb7" pid="49f6eea4737a92de" width="198" height="152" domain="widgets.clearspring.com"]

The gloves are off, Gordo!It's about time, too!

Jacqui's watching.

Right, so, here we are again. Another day, another sanctimonious imposition and eradication of our liberties by the government we all love to hate.

This morning wacqui Jacqui announced the new plans for government spies leaning over each of our shoulder's in a desperate attempt to see what we're doing online some kind of new fangled surveillance system to track and monitor each of our movements online.

Perhaps those who have nothing to hide, have nothing to fear

I hear you bellow? But what if we do have things to hide? What if we do want a tiny smidgen of privacy in our otherwise Orwellian lives?

I'm not talking anything sinister of course. I'm talking political views, commercially confidential information, our health troubles or indeed our personal dilemmas. Do we really want some ISP, data company or government employee pouring over these for subtle Al-Qaeda sympathies or paedophilic mission statements? (Right, Jacqui- let's have a butchers at the browser history on your PC!) Do we really think the erosion of our freedoms is the way to combat the current threats to our country?

I leave it dear reader, for you to decide. All I'm saying is...

Something ain't right!

[polldaddy poll=1573331]

Blogs are the new black...

Hats off to Tory Bear. What a guy.


Keep Right.

Keep Right

Gordon Brown must be looking back at the last few weeks with all the whist of someone on the receiving end of a beating from Ricky Hatton. Left reeling by a hail of blows over Smeargate, a barrage of hefty punches over Budget on Wednesday, and the right hand of Jacqui Smith's husband, Brown is left on the ropes.

The old policies, pursued by Labour (Old or New: drop the charade), have failed the British people. Their social policies are repressive and divisive. Their foreign and defence policy has been a series of betrayals. And whilst older voters may feel particularly betrayed, younger people must be even more aghast at their economic policies, as they burden us with yet more debt. This week, in which Chancellor Darling has maxed out the country's credit cards, announcing a £170bn budget deficit – as much as is spent on hospitals and schools put together – the tide is turning.

And, surprise, surprise, the country is sick of it. Never has a Prime Minister's opinion poll ratings sunk as low as Gordon Brown's, and to steal a turn of phrase from Dan Hannan: our economy's hull is sinking just as deep as Brown's popularity. But it is not enough for them to be wrong. If we want to right the boat when we get our chance: have to be right, and be seen to be right.

We have made great strides in that direction. David Cameron leads a newly-revitalised party, Boris Johnson won the youth vote for the Conservatives for the first time in modern history, and Hannan's has become a household name on the back of the Internet. Finally, young people are seen to matter again, and their voices are sculpting the political landscape.

But if those voters have flooded to our side over the past year, they can just as easily ebb away again over the next and leave us high and dry. Those people know that Brown and Darling are wrong, but that isn't enough, and everyone working for a Conservative government has to keep right - for the fate of our economy, our country, and our future.

Hello, world!

Ladies and Gentlemen, children of all ages...

Welcome to Keep Right Online.

Over the coming days, weeks, months and years, Keep Right Online will aim to deliver you nowt but focused and cutting edge bloggerisms from the right correct side of the political spectrum.

In the meantime, please enjoy our launch video- a tribute to the great Daniel Hannan, MEP for South East England.

Keep right.

Daniel Hannan MEP Remix