UKIP Lost at Home

UKIP 'activists' have launched IndependenceHome: supposedly their answer to ConservativeHome, hence the absurdly unoriginal name.  What's more, their website address,, is one that their editors will probably forget themselves from time to time.  UKIPHome?  Eee-aww.

And whilst their Twitter - "IndHome is definetly [sic.] here to stay and pass candid comment on #UKIP" - is an encouragement to all those that think that Independence Home might be the home of... independent discussion, I can't believe that for a second.  Their top story is, and has been for the past two days, an endorsement from Nigel FarageScathing commentary and some biting home truths, there!


Away from that love-in, the site looks alright: very professional looking, albeit without a quality remix of a real Eurosceptic hero, but I digress.  Conservative Home was founded after an election with the explicit aim of criticising the party leadership (what leadership?), whilst this looks to be the opposite; on a day when LabourHome demanded that Brown resign, IndHome looks set to be more LabourList.

Pretty widgets will only go so far if you're not willing to criticise or confront the people that might be interested in reading it!  Dare you to criticise Farage tomorrow.

Something ain't right!

What next?

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