Jacqui's watching.

Right, so, here we are again. Another day, another sanctimonious imposition and eradication of our liberties by the government we all love to hate.

This morning wacqui Jacqui announced the new plans for government spies leaning over each of our shoulder's in a desperate attempt to see what we're doing online some kind of new fangled surveillance system to track and monitor each of our movements online.

Perhaps those who have nothing to hide, have nothing to fear

I hear you bellow? But what if we do have things to hide? What if we do want a tiny smidgen of privacy in our otherwise Orwellian lives?

I'm not talking anything sinister of course. I'm talking political views, commercially confidential information, our health troubles or indeed our personal dilemmas. Do we really want some ISP, data company or government employee pouring over these for subtle Al-Qaeda sympathies or paedophilic mission statements? (Right, Jacqui- let's have a butchers at the browser history on your PC!) Do we really think the erosion of our freedoms is the way to combat the current threats to our country?

I leave it dear reader, for you to decide. All I'm saying is...

Something ain't right!

[polldaddy poll=1573331]

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