Make Labour's next U-turn an EU-turn

It seems that every day, in every way this government is failing at one thing or another. The successes it acheived are long forgotten, as the British electorate have, to bastardize a phrase, "Woken up from a 12 year Labour binge with one heck of a hangover." But is the worst yet to come? Hair of the dog won't work here buddy Brown.

The Conservatives, have today launched a renewed attack on Brown's broken promise over an EU referendum, with the Facebook page and corresponding widget (How very Web 2.0, of you, David!)

Keep Right's opinion?

Whether you are pro or anti-Europe, any referendum is a good referendum!

[clearspring_widget title="Make Labour's next U-turn an EU-turn" wid="49f56ef09886feb7" pid="49f6eea4737a92de" width="198" height="152" domain=""]

The gloves are off, Gordo!It's about time, too!

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