A touch of Sass...

Sahar represents local interestsOn Monday the 4th May, Birmingham University Conservative Future will vote on a new President. Today, KeepRightOnline got the exclusive opportunity to interview Presidential candidate Sahar Rezazadeh, better known to the blogosphere as Sassy Conservative. We ask the big questions, but does she give the right answers? The members of BUCF will decide on Monday, but what do you think of this passionate young lady?

Thanks for the exclusive Sahar, or should I say, Sassy? Tell us about the name. Why 'Sassy Conservative'?
Haha, either is fine! When I was deciding on a blog name, I was looking for two words that are truly reflective of my character- it wasn't an independent decision, with friends and relatives helping out in the process! The most interesting and frequent word that came up in describing me was 'sassy', you know... bubbly, lively and trendy. I think the Conservative part is self explanatory- I'm a conservative not just politically and economically but also socially.

Those who read your blog will know you're well involved in the political scene in Birmingham already- tell us about your work with CF, the transport project and the focus of your blog?
Well, I'm currently serving as BUCF's Social Action Officer- my heart is in grass roots politics. Supporting those who are better off supported by the community rather than big government. This represents the political conservative in me. It's like late last year, when I first heard about the nationwide Christmas Hamper Project. We raised funds by caroling & kind donations, then made hampers for St. Basil's who support homeless young people. I visited various hostels to deliver the hampers and those working there said how even St. Basil's was sometimes constrained by the bureaucracy in it's centralisation, so some people still don't get the help they need- they were really grateful.

My first engagement with the community was through the Youth Parliament- I've long championed youth issues, locally, regionally, nationally and even internationally! The transport project created a dialogue between transport decision makers and young people. One of my colleagues who was chairing the project initiated it- mainly as result of anger of rise in costs. Our recent conference was about transport in Birmingham in general, I love this city and I genuinely feel that we need to improve the transport infrastructure in order to compete on an international scale. Birmingham needs to stay world-class.

Sassy gets stuck in...Pretty sound, Sassy, but what sets you apart as a Presidential candidate? Aren't you too busy?
Actually the demand on me from the projects I've been working on is easing now. I wouldn't run for President if I couldn't commit fully to a whole term. I think I'm best placed for the position not just because of the skills I've developed through actively engaging with community, but also because I take initiative. I don't let go of projects half way through. I really want to empower BUCF members to be more active and involved. Too many people are fair-weather Conservatives, it's about time we separated the men from the boys and the ladies from the girls!

KeepRightOnline agrees with you on that last point especially, Sahar. Tell us, if you could change one thing about Conservative Future, what would it be?
Well it's been addressed before but I think there's a lot of work left to do in making CF more localised and less London-centric. There are potentially thousands of new CF members waiting out there, but we have a history of being so London focused that we're missing out on these young Conservatives. Young people should be able to find a CF branch easily- and feel empowered by it!

So what are your politics? Sum it up for our readers in... oh I don't know... five words?
Hmmm... these types of questions can be tricky.

That's more than five words.
Haha, hey! Ok... well... compassionate, neo-conservative, libertarian, capitalist... Sassy!

And your politician of choice would be?
Well right now no one can touch Daniel Hannan... I can't get enough of his European Parliament speeches! Great remix, by the way! I'm actually flattered by often being compared to Lady Thatcher. Iain Dale once remarked upon that! She's such an inspiration to me. Despite all the obstacles her achievements incredible... and I like to think we have a similar taste in handbags! Ron Paul also (not so much with the handbags). I like his ideas about government. Good things come in small packages.

And you're proof of that, Sassy! Thanks once again for taking the time to describe yourself to our readers. If I could ask you one last thing... What would you say is your favourite right of centre blog?
Haha, there are many which have contributed so much, but I'm particularly excited about KeepRightOnline!

We're excited about you too!
A much better party logo?

Sahar Rezazadeh is standing for the position of BUCF President on Monday, 4th May. KeepRightOnline will bring you the results as they happen!

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