You're going down, down...

This weekend is only going to get more and more interesting. A quick look at the Beeb's Council Election Map tells you one hell of a lot about the current state of this government. It's been a long time since Tories took that many seats, and that many seats in the North, especially. It is a good day.

For all the hoo-hah over the 'other' parties, DC and co. have done extremely well in the UK's local elections this week, and Gordon Brown has shown us yet again why he a sniveling, sorry excuse for a Prime Minister.

KeepRightOnline maintains that this government's mandate ran out long ago, however for it to keep getting worse, and for them to keep clinging on requires a special kind of selfishness, and a special kind of contempt for the British public. Day after day, and resignation after resignation, the situation worsens for government and for country. Walking through Whitehall yesterday, one couldn't help but turn to face Parliament Square and sigh. A sigh for the British public, a sigh for the Labour government and a sigh to quell the overwhelming urge to storm the Palace and demand Comrade Brown's head on a plate.

Sunday will be especially revealing, as if the past few weeks have not been enough. The reason the public did not punish the Tories for the expenses scandal is that the public were indeed not even outraged by the expenses scandal (that's right, I said it). The public, KeepRightOnline feels, were more concerned with the way they have been governed- backed into a corner, surrounded by databases, stealth taxes and stripped of their liberties. The people know that while the Conservatives were just as guilty regarding the expenses, the party acted swiftly, and were certainly not the ones who have created this god-awful mess over the past twelve years.

Gordon Brown, the people are speaking, and they're speaking in the most eloquent and respectful manner- through the ballot box. Will you not now listen? Will you not now show one iota of democratic decency in stepping down and calling a General Election? Are you this pathologically incapable of seeing the writing on the wall?

This moment in history is staring you dead in the face, Brown- and all you can do is look at your shoes and hope it goes away. It will not. We will not. You are done.

What next?

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