Guardian lies

The Guardian has made yet another cheap pop at the Conservatives' new Movement for European Reform allies, the Polish Law and Justice Party. They demonised the entire eurosceptic movement by citing one MEP, Dr Urszula Krupa:

Global warming is a lie, homosexuality is a "pathology" and Europe is becoming a "neo-totalitarian" regime ... [for this] militant Roman Catholic and strong Polish nationalist

They go into depth about her background and associates at a radio station of which she was once editor. All very damning. Just one problem: she's not a member of the Law and Justice Party.

She is, actually, a member of the League of Polish Families, which is a militant traditionalist anti-capitalist Roman Catholic nationalist party. And whilst some of its members are in the same European grouping as Law and Justice - and will, thus, probably sit with the Conservatives - Krupa does not: she sits with UKIP.

Apology please.

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