*Insert knee-jerk reaction here*

KeepRightOnline don't mean to be akin to salmon on this issue, but it's becoming clearer by day that as far as we have stuck our (the public's) noses into the MP 'Expenses Scandal' (for want of a more recognisable term), what on Earth is coming of it?

The main media organisations are blowing things like black marks well out of proportion. I'm not saying there aren't real stories in this, or that this whole issue is irrelevant (although maybe we wish to consider the outcomes in relation to public sector expenditure on the whole- read: £586.25bn budget in 2008) but the real stories are ones like this, where parties are shown to be clearly fleecing the taxpayers.

The expenses debate may easily have been a stepping stone in evaluating public spending as a whole, and really creating an efficienct government economy, but at the moment, we're still more concerned about duck houses and magazines.

What next?

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