
KeepRightOnline would like to take this opportunity to congratulate everyone who went out and did their democratic deed yesterday. You voted. You made a difference. Regardless of who voted for, you did the right thing.

KeepRightOnline encountered far too many non-voters/abstainers/idiots (whatever you want to call them) yesterday and decided that while today will hopefully be a landslide for the Conservatives, and Sunday will knock Labour into fourth- it's about time we highlighted to those who can't be bothered, just why they now have no reason to complain until the next set of elections.

Kudos also to this man, who has said what dozens of Labour MPs have been dying to say.

Full transcript of the letter:

Dear Gordon,

We both love the Labour Party. I have worked for it for twenty years and you for far longer. We know we owe it everything and it owes us nothing.

I owe it to our Party to say what I believe no matter how hard that may be. I now believe your continued leadership makes a Conservative victory more, not less likely.

That would be disastrous for our country. This moment calls for stronger regulation, an active state, better public services, an open democracy. It calls for a Government that measures itself by how it treats the poorest in society. Those are our values, not David Cameron's.

We therefore owe it to our country to give it a real choice. We need to show that we are prepared to fight to be a credible Government and have the courage to offer an alternative future.

I am therefore calling on you to stand aside to give our Party a fighting chance of winning. As such I am resigning from Government.

The Party was here long before us, and we want it to be here long after we have gone. We must do the right thing by it.

I am not seeking the leadership, nor acting with anyone else. My actions are my own considered view, nothing more. If the consensus is that you should continue, then I will support the government loyally from the backbenches. But I do believe that this question now needs to be put.

Thank you for giving me the privilege of serving.


Rt Hon James Purnell MP

What next?

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