President Obama's closest ally dies

The President's closest and oldest political friend, the Teleprompter of the United States (TOTUS), passed away last night. He collapsed in the middle of a speech by Obama in defence of his economic policies.

[caption id="attachment_739" align="aligncenter" width="300" caption="Rest in Peace, little friend"]Rest in Peace, little friend[/caption]

Early reports state he died exhaustion after being over-worked over the past year, and that his over-use had voided his warranty. He will be sorely missed - by President Obama.

BoJo stalkers throw toys out of pram/can't read


So a couple of IT kids set up BorisWatch on Friday 2nd May "Registered on: 03-May-2008" in an attempt to, let's use a block quote here because this is rich;

Enhance the accountability of the new London mayoralty

Fine. Good. Some self-styled ombudsman with a religio-capitalist (Ed: Uh, what) agenda have decided it's up to them to shed some light on the Boris Johnson regime. Editor Nadir Jeewa admits to having been a part of Hizb-ut-Tahrir, "an international pan-Islamist, Sunni, vanguard political party whose goal is to combine all Muslim countries in a unitary Islamic state or caliphate, ruled by Islamic law and with a caliph head of state elected by Muslims". Delightful! While Tom Barry, the "scruffy IT guy working for a major ISP (Virgin, I'm guessing)," was called in 2008 by Andrew Gilligan,

one tireless Johnson-basher


Regardless, you've gotta wonder what these nerds people who claim to, "read through TfL Board minutes so you don’t have to," (nerd) are doing picking on a modest blog like KeepRightOnline?

Following our story (for which we credited, albeit with a friendly ribbing) BorisWatch on the BBC's inability to get the name of a Transport Advisor to BoJo correct; BorisWatch proceeded to issue these kind words on their blog regarding our coverage.

Oh, and note to tiresome trolls - this isn’t the BBC being biased or unethical merely being crap at reporting on the website and indulging in churnalism, which is hardly unusual or unique to the BBC.


Wait a minute. Isn't that what we put it down to? Or did you just read the headline and nothing else? Goodness me.

Oh and by the way, brilliant IT guys that you are, you have some broken links on your "About" page. You're welcome.

A cautionary Facebook tale

As if the political graveyard weren't replete enough with the corpses of young Facebook noobs, there's one more cautionary tale to add to the pile: whatever you do don't do what Audra Shay, the newly-elected national chairwoman of the Young Republicans, did.

The complaint that 38-year-olds aren't young notwithstanding (Ed: thank goodness we don't have anyone trying to pretend 30-somethings are CFers - whoops!), it's pretty damn stupid of anyone with a pretence to political office to even look like they're condoning racism. Or homophobia or sexism, for that matter.

The comments may have been taken out of context, and the claim to privacy may be fair, but everyone has to agree: giving the media nothing to run is better than giving them a 'conservative is racist' story. Despite the protestations that the media are biased: yes, the media are biased, but they're still the media. Shay may have won, but, with the glare of publicity on her, that'll be the last election she'll ever win.

Racism is an accusation that dogs conservatives: one that is sometimes justified, and one that we have to shake off. If you want to condone racism, you can do it in private. But don't expect your privacy to be respected, don't expect your opponents to have any humour about it, and don't expect people that aren't racist to stand by you.

Hallam responsible for more than just reforms?

In recent news, Tory Bear found out just who Ed Hallam's been poking recently. But did Edward think of protecting his investment? Google Ads say not!


Come on Ed, what size investment are we talking here?

Conservative Party Aid Agenda

The Party for Change released this video today, espousing the need for a more responsible approach to international aid, and KeepRightOnline couldn't be more behind it.

The idea of payment upon results is compelling, and one by which we would expect to live our lives here in the United Kingdom for goods or services we procure. Why should we fork out for things which never emerge? This way; we ensure results.

UPDATED: BBC fabricates sources... what's new?

Oops, did I just say that? Okay okay I take it back. But what's up with this? Either we're incredibly ignorant, or the BBC are incredibly stupid. I prefer to assume the latter but am welcome to the former, should someone prove me wrong. A quick look on Google and has left me baffled still. Props to BorisWatch (though not sure on how sound the site is in general!) for catching this one.

Who is Kabir Das?

UPDATED (see picture): The BBC were apparently trying to name Transport Advisor to BoJo, "Kulveer Ranger." Slight typo then, eh boys?
[caption id="attachment_692" align="aligncenter" width="195" caption="Who is Kabir Das?"]Who is Kabir Das?[/caption]



Who said the nanny state was out of control?

It's bureaucracy gone mad, I tells ya:
[caption id="attachment_680" align="aligncenter" width="468" caption="Said the dog, 'Send back this man. I said I wanted him medium-rare!'"]Said the dog, "Send back this man.  I said medium-well!"[/caption]

Something about that's just not right...