I thought I'd heard that before...

The other day, KeepRightOnline dismissed the leftists' bleating about the Conservative's new international development policy as being myopic. We cited schools in Kenya as evidence that the left simply refuses to acknowledge that public services are better delivered from the bottom-up.

Check out today's Telegraph editorial on the topic:

Britain's approach is wrong-headed because it is wedded to top-down policies. HMG is the largest funder of state primary education in Kenya. Yet ordinary Kenyan parents complain that the quality is far worse than the indigenous schools that they have established. The Tories are right to suggest that more aid should be given in the form of vouchers so that people – not bureaucrats – can decide how to spend the money.

Wellity, it looks like the Telegraph is catching up with KeepRightOnline. Told you they were getting sounder.

What next?

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